
Having spent most time coding etc. away from work I have racked up a lot of personal projects:


Lectio++ is a project, which in opposition to my other projects, targeted for danish school students. Lectio applications exist, but they are either bad or expensive. Lectio++ solves both of these, it is free and provides all the neccesary features, you'd expect.



My Hammurabi project is based on an assignment from David Matuszek. It is an old board game where you are the ruler of a country in the old Egypt. You have to manage how much money to spend on acres, how many acres to seed and if you want to sell any acres. You can try it out by downloading the latest release, be warned, it's actually pretty hard.



Image Generation API or IGA for short is an API which generates images based on your queries. It is realised in Java using the Spring-MVC-framework. Everyone can visit the endpoints on: IGA for free.


The Big Five

During a project week, I had a the topic: "The Big Five". Because we had a project week, each one of us had to create a project. This application is my project which visualizes your Google location data. A guide is embedded on the site.
